Knowledge Base
The Great Debate: Internal vs. External Cleaning Teams
The Great Debate Internal vs. External Cleaning Teams
Achieving The Highest Cleanliness Standards: The SGA Process
SGA's commitment to keeping food and beverage facilities spotless, the SGA process stands out as a carefully crafted system tailored to their...
SGA’s Cost-Efficiency Strategies: Thriving Amid Rising Costs
We all know the cost of living and running a business is going up, but at SGA, we are implementing ways to become more cost-effective in our systems...
Cold Plasma Technology: Transforming Food Processing
Exploring the application of cold plasma technology in food processing, examining its uses and the advantages it offers to the food processing industry.
Salmonella Knowledge: SGA’s Industry-Leading Approach To Food Safety
Salmonella, a name that often elicits fear in those who have encountered its unwelcome presence, is a well-known term. But what precisely is...
SGA’s Training Strategy: Fueling Excellence In The Industry
At SGA, our dedication to excellence permeates every aspect of our operations, with a particular focus on the continuous development of our devoted...
How To Combat Listeria: Protecting Your Food & Health
Listeria, formally known as Listeria monocytogenes, is a bacteria variety commonly found in soil, water, and some animal species. It poses a...
From Conflict To Success: Ahmad’s Inspiring Journey To SGA
This story starts with a man named Ahmad, who was born in Kunduz province of Afghanistan, in 1991. He describes his upbringing in Afghanistan as a...
How To Optimise The Lifespan Of Food Production Machinery
In the bustling world of food production, machinery is the backbone that keeps operations running smoothly. From mixing and processing to packaging...
The Benefits Of High Pressure Cleaning
In the food production industry, maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is paramount. Ensuring that surfaces, equipment, and production areas...
How GMOs Are Revolutionizing The Food Production Industry
In recent decades, the food production industry has witnessed remarkable advancements that have transformed the way we grow, produce, and consume...
Prioritizing Fair Pay: SGA’s Streamlined Payroll Solution
In the dynamic realm of food production, where precision and efficiency are of the essence, SGA understands that fair employee compensation is not...